Why A Dog? A Diabetic Alert Dog will be trained to alert Lucia if her blood sugar is high or low because she can’t feel it.
DADs are service dogs, the definition of service dog is: A service dog is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform specific tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
Lucia lives life to the fullest. She does everything every other kid does and more! Even though she makes it look easy, it isn't. Her mom and dad (and teachers and friends) all constantly monitor her levels. She wears a sensor that is linked to a pump, but the sensor fails and needs to be changed every 5-10 days. One of her parents has to wake up every two hours throughout the night, every single night to make sure that her levels are safe. Lucia can never have a sleepover. Lucia always has to have her phone with her so that she can get warning texts from her mom or dad. She carries around a backpack filled with supplies that help her manage her T1D. Lucia's academics are constantly interrupted by texts about her levels making it hard to learn. Lucia has a team of people and technology that keeps her safe and alive.
Technology has been game changing in the battle against T1D but technology fails and that is really scary for a kid who also has Hypoglycemia Unawareness. This is where a Diabetic Alert Dog comes in. DADs are trained to the specific scent of their owners high blood sugar and low blood sugar. If technology fails or Lucia isn't near her phone her DAD will let her know whether she is high or low. DADs will be there when technology fails in the middle of the night. Lucia's DAD will give her the freedom to participate and learn in class with minimal interruption. Her DAD will let her have her first sleepover at a friend's house. Technology helps Lucia track her numbers but it can fail. For a person who can not feel their highs and lows technology is their life line. DADs don’t fail.
Having a Diabetic Alert Dog will be life changing for Lucia. DADs are trained for people like Lucia with T1D and Hypoglycemia Unawareness who don’t get signs from their body whether their blood sugar is high or low. To alert the human DADs are trained to make different signals for high and low blood sugar. Science says DADs can smell their humans scent from a mile away! DADs provide lifesaving feedback 24/7/365 but they also provide love and emotional support.